With one of the most critical witness statements continues for 15th day at the Mixed Jury Court of Thessaloniki the trial for the murder of the 19-year-oldAlki Kampanou and the injury of his two friends, after a brutal attack that was motivated by fans.

She will take the witness stand Leda – Kalliopi Kovatsismedical examiner and director of the Forensic and Toxicology Laboratory of the AUTH, who performed the autopsy on the body of the 19-year-old.

At the conclusion of the forensic report he signed and which is included in the case file, describes multiple injuries to the head and limbs, from sharp objects. And Alki’s death, according to the same conclusion, “is due to fatal injuries to the lower limbs and craniocerebral injuries.” In other words, it is attributed to the combination of the above injuries caused by the perpetrators.

It is reminded that 12 young people are sitting in the defendant’s dock who are charged – among others – with the charges of manslaughter with intent, jointly, committed and attempted.