For April 24, the trial of Babis Anagnostopoulos was suspended by the Mixed Jury Appeal Court, where the prisoner of Malandrino prison for the murder of his wife, Caroline Crouchs, in their home in Glyka Nera on May 11, 2021, expects to break the first-trial sentence of lifetime.

On the occasion of the new trial and the attempt of the 35-year-old murderer to convince that he killed his wife in a boiling water, because he was afraid that she would harm their 9-month-old daughter, Caroline’s father, David Crouchs, devastated but also hopelessly angry, called Babis Anagnostopoulos ” sneaky bastard” and declared that she “hates him more than anything in life and wishes him to rot in hell”.

“If the death penalty was still in force in Greece, I would consider it an honor to be allowed to pull the handle to send him to oblivion (‘to execute him’ in loose translation),” Mr Crouch said, according to the Daily Mail .

The parents of 20-year-old Caroline are represented in the trial by their lawyer and ask that the 34-year-old’s sentence not be changed.

In the court of first instance, the accused tried to convince that everything that happened in the house of Sweet Waters, was a bad moment. However, the judges did not accept any of this, judging that the crime that shocked Greece and abroad was planned, organized and executed methodically by an offender who did not bend for a moment.