EPAL candidates were examined today in the courses: Anatomy-Physiology II, Principles of Economic Theory, Computer Networks and Principles of Organic Agriculture.

See the topics and answers here

How the experts of the Pukamisas Tutorial Group comment on the topics

According to Andrea LitsaAcademic Officer His economy Shirt Tutoring Club “its current issues AOTH they covered most of the matter and were more demanding than last year. Also, the D group is inspired by the subject bank.”

According to Niko BandunaAcademic IT Manager of Pukamisas Tuition Group “the subjects in Computer networks it was passable, in the spirit of recent years with the exception of question C.1 which had some years to fall. In general they wouldn’t trouble someone who was well prepared.”

THE Irene CaselinBiologist of the Pukamisas Training Group commented that “this year’s topics for Anatomy-Physiology II it was medium difficulty and could be considered issues that had been worked on while compared to last year of increased difficulty and in some sub-questions he asked for many details from the book”.

THE Nikos PeroulisAcademic officer Principles of Organic Agriculture of the Shirt Tutorial Group comments: “Expectedly today’s topics covered the entire spectrum of the subject matter, ranging in the same level of difficulty as last year’s. Particular attention was needed in the 4th subject, where it required critical thinking and one to have knowledge of all the chapters of the material.”

See the topics and answers HERE