Reporting: Makis Synodinos

The owner of the grill in Chalkida, where he was arrested for the case of the 46-year-old who died of heatstroke yesterday, Thursday, is accused of negligent homicide. He was then released.

According to police sources, it emerged from statements by patrons that it was at the grill the 46-year-old made occasional deliveries as well as “errands” as characteristically reported.

At the same time, according to information, an echelon of the labor inspectorate raided the grill where it was not found in its books to cover the delivery position.

The 46-year-old breathed his last in Chalkida Hospital.

According to the hospital’s announcement the death of the 46-year-old is due to cardiorespiratory arrest after exposure to very high temperature.”

Authorities are looking into his relationship with the grill and whether he is related to the owner.

“On Thursday 20/07/2023 he will appear at 16:55 p.m. to the Emergency Department of the Chalkida Hospital by ambulance, a 46-year-old man (not a distributor) asphygmo, apneic and with mydriasis amphos. Body temperature 40 degrees. Resuscitation, CPR and intubation were performed to no avail. Electrocardiogram isoelectric line time 5:30 p.m. Possible cause of death is cardiorespiratory arrest after exposure to very high temperature.”