About the huge problem that SKAI presented yesterday after complaints received and faced by the residents of Rhodes due to the deer that move freely in the villages, the deputy governor of Rhodes spoke on Tuesday morning to SKAI and on the show “Mismatches”, Filimonas Zannetidis.

According to Mr. Zannetidis, this phenomenon with the deer which move uncontrollably in the villages of Rhodes and enter the yards of houses and fields destroying crops, is due “to the excessive increase in their population combined with the reduction of their natural areas due to fires. This results in the deer entering the villages. In some villages the deer outnumber the inhabitants causing destruction” said Mr. Zannetidis.

Regarding the fence that exists, which is open every 200-300 meters, Mr. Zannetidis said that it is a project of the Ministry of the Environment, which is still in the pilot stage and was created to protect the crops, something that does not happen in reality.

Mr. Zannetidis mentioned that he had a meeting yesterday with Minister of Environment Theodoros Skylakakis where they submitted a video of the damage and traffic accidents caused by the deer, while at the same time submitting a proposal in order to to utilize an area of ​​10,000 acres in order to accommodate the deer there or to create new parks.