The thriller about the disappearance of the 31-year-old in Messolonghi continues, as for another day no sign of life has been found from the young man with the authorities focusing on the last man who saw him alive.

That’s him the 50-year-old butcherwho had gone hunting with the 31-year-old and, as he claims, left him that night at TEI Messolonghi to meet a stranger.

In fact, as was seen from the removal of telephone privacy the two men had a very brief 12-second conversation before the 50-year-old left his cellphone at home and went to pick up the 31-year-old and take him to meet the unknown man.

The officers have identified loopholes and ambiguitiess to what the 50-year-old has supported for this period of time, who allegedly replied to the authorities “I have memory gaps, I know you don’t believe me, I know I’m burdening my position but I don’t remember”.

Investigations are ongoing

For the fifth day, the thriller continues with the disappearance of the 31-year-old in Messolonghi. With the first light of day, the investigations by EMAK, the Fire Brigade, the Coast Guard, the Police, volunteers and relatives began again.

With the help of drones and trained dogs, the wider area of ​​the former TEI is being checked bit by bit, where the young man seems to have appeared for the last time, but no trace of him has yet been found.

4 months suspended prison sentence to the butcher

As Tempo24.News wrote earlier, the 50-year-old butcher was sentenced to 4 months in prison with suspension, for the crime of illegal weapon possession (knife). He was then released amid tension as relatives of the 31-year-old missing man broke into shouts asking him to tell what has happened.

The 51-year-old was released by the judicial authorities, but was then brought back to the Security Department of Messolonghi for further clarifications, regarding the case of the disappearance of the 31-year-old Babis.