For May 28 the trial of the 28 arrested during yesterday’s operation of the Police occupying the Law School, who were released by order of the court, was postponed by the Autonomous Single-member Misdemeanor Court.

The court asked them to attend the trial and to testify as witnesses, a police officer, as well as the security guard of the Faculty of Law building.

Earlier, against the 28, the prosecutor brought criminal proceedings for:

*Disruption of public service operation together

*Unprovoked wear and tear of another’s thing that serves for common benefit jointly and continuously


*Illegal gun possession

*Violation of flare law

Of the 28 defendants, 10 are men, including one Spaniard, and 18 women, of whom three are from France, two are German, two are Italian and one is from England.

According to the case file, the defendants, including non-university students, participated in the occupation of the Law School, which began late on Monday night, a few hours before yesterday’s intervention by the Police, as a sign of solidarity with the Palestinian people.