ELGA teams, consisting of employees of the Organization, Agriculturalists and Veterinarians, will go from today to the Regional Unit of Corinthia with the task of demarcating the areas affected by the Fires of the last few days.

In particular, the Minister of Rural Development and Food, Mr. Kostas Tsiaras and the President of EL.GA.A. , Mr. Andreas T. Lykourentzos, after their collaboration decided, crews of EL.GA.A. headed by the Head of the Branch of EL.GA.A. Patras, Mr. Giorgos Tsiligianni, consisting of employees of the Organization, Agriculturalists and Veterinarians, to move from today to the Regional Unit of Corinth.

ELGA’s crews, according to the planning of the Organization’s Administration, will operate until Monday, October 7, 2024, with the aim of identifying the crops that were destroyed.

They will then submit a report to the Administration of ELGA, so that the following week, with the utilization of the Copernicus satellite images and the reports of the Organization’s employees, a meeting will be held in Corinth with the participation of the Regional Governor of Peloponnese, Mr. Dimitris Ptohou, of the President EL.GA.A. , Mr. Andreas Th. Lykourentzou and official agents, for planning the development of the assessment project and the process of paying advances to the affected farmers.