Androulakis: The attempt to downgrade the case of trapping my cell phone is at least suspicious


The President of PASOK-Change Movement toured Chania this morning.

The President of PASOK-Change Movement toured Chania this morning. Nikos Androulakis and executives of the movement talked to citizens and merchants and became recipients of their anxiety about the increased cost of living.

Responding to a question about the attempt to trap his mobile phone, Mr. Androulakis noted that “it is not a personal matter but a matter of Democracy. And it is at least suspicious the attitude of Megaros Maximos to try to downplay this issue by constantly spreading fake news to Greek society either from ND executives or from the government representative. They keep trying to downplay the issue. Today I heard claims that it is a simple cyber attack. Things are not that simple. Mr. Mitsotakis knows very well what he is talking about. How serious is the attempt to rob a candidate’s mobile phone. I don’t expect EYP to tell us that it is not behind this, this effort that undermines democracy and institutions. I am waiting for the authorities, the Justice and the secret services to tell us who is behind such fraudulent practices which I repeat, is not a simple hearing. It is the attempt to record material through the camera, even audio. It is unprecedented in the European Parliament. About 250 mobile phones of MEPs and dozens of their associates have been checked and nothing similar has been found on anyone. Stop lying to Mr. Economou who claimed the day before yesterday that it happened to others as well. Let the ND directly tell us the names, in which other MEPs that were checked, similar software was found”.

And he added: “Let the Justice do its job well. It’s a matter of democracy. It’s not a personal matter. I will not allow anyone to let this story go like this. Greece and the Greek people, the people of Crete, the people of Chania are a democratic people. We fought for the post-colonialism to come. We made a huge effort to put the practices of specific factions of the previous decade into the closet of history. As the leader of PASOK and as an ordinary Greek citizen, I will fight so that these vulgar practices are not repeated in our country, so that every citizen feels that he lives safely and raises his children in a normal country with a strong democracy and respect for human rights ».

Referring to the energy cost and accuracy, Mr. Androulakis said that “the cost of living is prohibitive for the daily life of Greek citizens and also for the effort made by businesses in all sectors of the economy to survive under very difficult conditions. The Government of Mr. Mitsotakis continues to distort reality. However, the Greek people pay the reality every day in the cost of living, in rents, in private health expenses. Greek children are looking for housing to go to universities and study, to open a new page in their lives, but they cannot find affordable, cheap housing to build their new life. These are very big social problems that unfortunately the Government has no inclination to deal with. That is why things must quickly change and we must get a Government that has social democratic values ​​at its core. The values ​​that want social justice, transparency and meritocracy and a vital economy with many good jobs for Greek children, so that they can stay in their place, produce, have families and really have a better perspective as a country”.

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