Motion of no confidence: Clash of Tsakalotou – Gerapetritis for Rammos


Intense reaction from the SYRIZA MP after the Minister of State’s appointment as the president of ADAE

What was mentioned in the discussion of the motion of no confidence, at the expense of the president of ADAE, Christos Rammos, by ND MPs, complained the parliamentary representative of SYRIZA, Euklidis Tsakalotos. During the discussion of the motion of no confidence, Mr. Tsakalotos called on the Minister of State, Giorgos Gerapetritis, to clarify today whether the disparaging characterizations against Mr. Rammos are the line of the ND and constitute “dust” of the party. “We don’t give a damn to our parliamentarians,” said the Minister of State, noting that the Constitution enshrines the free opinion of parliamentarians.

There were previous interventions by the ND MP, Dimitris Markopoulos, who called the president of ADAE a “delivery boy” and the “5th phalanx” of SYRIZA, as well as the MP Tasos Hatzivasileiou, who said of Mr. Rammos that he “demeans his position and the principle of which he heads”.

“Were you here when Mr. Markopoulos and Mr. Hatzivasiliou were speaking?” said the SYRIZA parliamentary representative, addressing the Minister of State present. George Gerapetritis. “Essentially, they said he is an agent of SYRIZA. You are a university professor. I’m asking you directly. Do you think that Mr. Rammos is a pawn of SYRIZA? For these things that were said were extreme. Extreme,” said Euclid Tsakalotos and wondered if these interventions “are the ND’s line or we have two ND MPs who took the wrong… dust”.

THE Euclid Tsakalotos he also commented on what the government says about the “dirty networks”: “How does Mrs. Vlachou sign over and over surveillance? Was there information about Mr. Hatzidakis? For Mr. Floros? So don’t tell us that we are attacking Mrs. Vlachou. Tell us, is the criticism against the EYP prosecutor unfair, because Mr. Hatzidakis and Mr. Floros really are a danger to national security?”

“We don’t give our MPs – I don’t know what your practice is – a dusting,” replied the Minister of State, Giorgos Gerapetritis and added: “Our MPs have the decency to judge and position themselves. So at this level, don’t equate your internal procedures with what we do with our MPs. How they will judge and how they will evaluate is a question that has to do with their freedom of expression. Besides, you know, Article 62 of the Constitution guarantees it. So it would be good if you don’t want us to gag the MPs.”

Answering about the EYP prosecutor, Mr. Gerapetritis observed that it was the SYRIZA MPs who spoke with great intensity even though the EYP prosecutor “is a judicial officer and judicial officers must be surrounded with trust in an orderly legal order”. After all, the Minister of State remarked, Mr. Tsipras, who declared that he has confidence in the judiciary, said so. “A la carte justice is not understood. Either you trust justice or you discredit justice, with all that entails,” said Mr Gerapetritis.

The Minister of State insisted that SYRIZA must explain “how it knows the names Hatzidakis and Floros”.


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