The reaction of the ND caused by the revelations that two employees of the Railway Regulatory Authority have been seconded to SYRIZA. As noted in a related announcement, the official opposition, on the one hand, denounces the understaffing of RAS and on the other, detaches its employees, to conclude that the hypocrisy of SYRIZA has no limits.

The full text of the ND announcement follows:

Today, the secondment of two employees of the Railway Regulatory Authority came to light. One in the parliamentary office of G. Ragousis and the other in SYRIZA, in the position of deputy representative. SYRIZA, therefore, has seconded employees from an Authority, whose President declares that it has no staff and at the same time complains about the understaffing that does not allow RAS to perform its audit duties. On the one hand, it cuts for the independent authorities, on the other hand, it deforests them into personnel, regardless of whether they can carry out the task for which they were formed, which in this particular case also concerns the safety of the railways. The hypocrisy of SYRIZA knows no bounds.