In the priority that the government gives to Preschool Education, which is also a powerful tool against social exclusion, but also in the importance of preschool age in the life of every person, as it determines the quality of their life in their adult life, mentioned the Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Affairs, Domna Michailidouduring her speech in Parliament.

According to a related announcement, Mrs. Michailidou referred to the active policies of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs in the last four years.


– Aincrease by 20% of voucher beneficiaries for access to nurseries.

30% increase in income criteria for joining the program.

10% increase in voucher valuein order for each station to be able to meet the increased operating costs.

– Joining the women’s program who work in the public sector.

Securing 180 million euros for the creation of new places for infants in existing nurseries or new private ones throughout the country.

The Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Affairs, Domna Michailidou, stated: “Four years ago, we committed to leaving no child out of nursery school. We kept it! In politics we have to prioritize needs and set priorities and that is exactly what we are doing, because, for us, preschool education is a priority. Because it gives our children the foundations and supplies for a better future. Because it is a powerful “weapon” in the effort to deal with social exclusion, creating the conditions for the creation of an inclusive society. Because this is what we have to leave as a legacy to future generations. A society in which everyone will have equal opportunities, creating new institutions and frameworks that develop us both as individuals and as a society”.