An order of magnitude for the incomes considered by SYRIZA as “middle class” gave the Theano Fotiou in an interview he gave to Dimitris Oikonomou and Akis Pavlopoulos, on SKAI 100.3 radio.

The experienced politician was asked about the incomes considered in SYRIZA as middle class and which incomes will be taxed according to the official opposition party’s government program.

When asked what the middle class is, Mrs. Fotiou said:

“25% are the poor, 50% of the Greek people are the middle class and the other 25% are the upper classes. The Latsides are also in there. Right now, based on those incomes, it’s 5,000, if I remember correctly, the middle class, one person, the equivalent of income. What Mitsotakis calls the middle class has been impoverished for a long time. The incomes of the middle class are no longer those defined by ELSTAT. It’s income. Upper incomes are what Mitsotakis means middle class. These, based on the incomes of ELSTAT”, he said characteristically and added: “Middle class is not only the one who has this income, it is also the one who considers himself middle class”.

His reporters they persisted in their question about the income of the middle class, however Mrs. Theano Fotiou did not specify who she included in the high incomes, which SYRIZA, according to its program, intends to tax.

In other words, the top SYRIZA figure stated that the income of the middle class starts at 5,000 euros per personbut he did not state until he arrives, so as to clarify who are considered rich in Greece.

Listen to Theanos Fotiou’s interview on SKAI 100.3 (the relevant excerpt starts at 10:30):