“I’m sorry, this space is at risk of ridicule” commented Panos Skourletis, speaking to Kontra, immediately after the announcement of his deletion by Stefanos Kasselakis, via Twitter.

“The procedures are provided for in the statute” said Mr. Skourletis regarding his referral to the competent bodies of SYRIZA and said that he learned of his removal from television.

“I imagine that this is a proposal to the ethics committee, which the president has the right to make. But, to tell you the truth, watching today’s reaction, and also the positioning lately, I am sincerely sorry. I’m sorry, because this place is being discredited and I’m afraid it’s finally in danger of being discredited and ridiculed,” he said.

“Since yesterday we have an event that really constitutes cosmogony and he doesn’t feel the need to respond,” he said, referring to the “Editors’ Journal” reports about Mr. Kasselakis, adding that “at 24 we have formed an opinion.”

“Mr. Kasselakis ridicules SYRIZA day by day” noted Mr. Skourletis and continued: “I wonder what opinion Mr. Kasselakis has about the last five years in SYRIZA, who has only been a member of the party for a month. I don’t know if he has understood where he is and if he has understood where he has been elected.”

As for the next steps, as he said, “we will resist and claim this historic route”, as “the 65,000 who voted for him (including Mr. Kasselakis) did not know that they are in favor of fixing wages”.

Finally, when Mr. Skourletis was asked to comment on information from Koumoundourou, which spoke of a political conviction and not his deletion, he said: “Apparently they informed him that the president cannot delete.”