The new Deputy Minister of Education Ioanna Lytrivi welcome to Ministry of Education, Religious Affairs and Sports Minister Kyriakos Pierrakakis by posting it to “X”, while, at the same time, Domna Michailidou was excoriated who was promoted to the position of minister in the Ministry of Labour.

As it became known, the new Deputy Minister Ioanna Lytrivi will take responsibility for vocational education and training and lifelong learning, with Zeta Makri taking charge of pre-school and school education.

“We welcome Ioanna Lytrivi to the Ministry of Education, Religious Affairs and Sports. Together with Zetta M. Makri, we will work to upgrade education, having at the center of our strategy the real protagonists: teachers, pupils and students.

I want to thank Domna Michailidou for the six months of productive cooperation at YPAITHA. I wish her success in her new duties at the Ministry of Labor and Social Security.”