“Today’s message Memorial Day can be summed up in just two words: “never again”” emphasizes Minister of Education on the occasion of the anniversary of the memory of the Holocaust and notes in his message:

“It’s a message that even today, almost eight decades after its horror Holocaustis still about the “here” and the “now”.

It applies to every overt attempt to question the Holocaust, but, above all, to every covert attempt to relativize and belittle it.

And it is us – all together and each one individually – who must identify and stand firm in every “egg of the snake”.

In this black anniversary, special mention deserves the “Righteous Among the Nations”those who helped their Jewish fellow citizens, saving them from the concentration camps”.

The entire message of the Minister of Education, Religions and Sports is as follows:

“Dear students, dear students,

Dear and dear teachers,

The International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of the Holocaust and the Day of Remembrance of the Greek Jewish Martyrs and Heroes of the Holocaust remind us of the darkest page of human history. The “Final Solution” led to the gruesome death of more than six million Jews, demonstrating how anti-Semitism, racism, intolerance and blind bigotry can lead to heinous acts.

Greece paid its own “blood tax” in the concentration camps. About 60,000 Greek Jews, i.e. almost 86% of the population of Europe’s oldest Jewish community, were exterminated by the Nazis. It is our national and moral duty to continue to honor their memory and to shield our fellow citizens against the anti-Semitism and racism that threaten democracy. The National Plan to combat anti-Semitism, which is drawn up by the Ministry of Education, Religious Affairs and Sports, will respond to this need.

In this black anniversary, the “Righteous Among the Nations”, those who helped their Jewish fellow citizens, saving them from the concentration camps, deserve a special mention. The more than 350 Greek “Righteous Among the Nations” brighten the history of our homeland and are an example for each and every one of us to emulate.

The message of today’s Memorial Day can be summed up in just two words: “never again.” And it is a message that even today, almost eight decades after the horrors of the Holocaust, is still about the “here” and the “now”. It applies to every overt attempt to question the Holocaust, but, above all, to every covert attempt to relativize and belittle it. And it is we – all together and each one individually – who must identify and stand firm in every “egg of the snake”.