The pre-trial council of Brussels today examines whether the alleged mastermind of the corruption case in the European Parliament and former MEP Antonio Panzeri he will be released from prison with an electronic bracelet or remain in his prisons Saint-Gilles where he has been held since December 9.

As the website states sudinfo, one of the advocates of Antonio Pancheri, o Laurent Kens, believes that Belgian justice could be positive about his client continuing to serve his sentence at home under electronic monitoring, as was the case with Francesco Giorgi. Also, as the website points out, the former MEP’s defense will also focus on the fact that he is dealing with an eye health problem and depression.

Pantzeri’s wife is already in Brussels, according to sudinfo, while it is recalled that the former MEP is the only one of those in custody for the so-called “Catargate”, who has signed a memorandum of cooperation with the Belgian authorities.

Next week, specifically on April 13, Eva Kaili is expected to appear before the pre-trial council, according to the information so far.