Lost in… translation it seems it was the Portuguese authorities, resulting in the prime minister of the Iberian country Antonio Costa to resign without reason!

Costa’s involvement was the result of a tragic mistake by the security services, as the prosecutor’s office admitted, one of Costa’s lawyers said.

Specifically, a tragic mistake was made in the transcript conversations recorded by the security services. In the transcript they wrote Antonio Costa (the name of the prime minister) and no Antonio Costa Silva (the name of the finance minister).

The lawyer of the resigned prime minister even said that the conversation is the only one in the file where the name of the former prime minister is recorded. As he adds, the investigative authorities have admitted the mistake, but for now there are no comments on their part.

Antonio Costa announced his resignation as prime minister after authorities raided his office as well as the homes and offices of his cabinet ministers over corruption related to lithium mining and the “green” hydrogen facilities. In fact, his chief of staff, Vitor Escaria, was arrested, with the president of Portugal announcing early elections after the resignation of the prime minister.

On the day of his resignation, Costa he denied wrongdoing “any illegal or reprehensible act”.

Following Costa’s resignation, the country will go to elections in March, with no interim successor having been appointed.