99jobs launched a platform that will serve as a showcase for the 10,000 Black Trainees program, which aims, by 2030, to include 3,000 black professionals in leadership positions in large companies operating in Brazil.
In 2023, the expectation of Eduardo Migliano, CEO of 99jobs, is to manage 250 hires through the program. In a warm-up phase, 80 positions were filled in 2022. The expectation is to climb the numbers year by year, as more companies start to participate and give priority to reducing inequalities in their selections.
The initiative is supported by the UN Global Compact in Brazil, within the sustainable development goals (SDGs) defined by the organization. According to Migliano, the pact learned that the platform had work aimed at reducing inequalities in selection processes and invited them to lead the program.
The selections will use the bank of black talent that has been built by the 99jobs platform in recent years. Companies will be able to choose between two types of selection processes, one exclusive. The other possibility will be the organization of a kind of consortium of companies, through which the companies would make a big call for the program.
Migliano says that the difference between this and other specific selections for black professionals is the inclusion of a leadership program, through which there will be meetings, discussions and what 99jobs is calling an ancestry trail. “Particularly because they will still work in hegemonically white organizations”, he says.
Vacancies selected through the program cannot be in the diversity and inclusion segments of companies. Migliano says that the idea is to ensure that these professionals become leaders and can rise in all areas, not just that reserved for the subject in companies.
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