Panel SA: Supermarkets confirm presence at Lula’s inauguration


Food retailers will have a representative at the inauguration ceremony of president-elect Lula.

Abras (Brazilian Association of Supermarkets), whose members gather more than 90 thousand establishments, confirmed the presence of João Galassi, president of the entity.

According to the association, the invitation was made by the elected vice-president, Geraldo Alckmin.

The presidents of CNI (industry) and Febraban (banks) will also attend the event next Sunday (1st), but Fiesp will not be represented by Josué Gomes, son of José Alencar, Lula’s deputy in previous terms.

Big names in the business world, such as Andre Esteves (BTG Pactual), Luiza Trajano (Magalu) and Abilio Diniz (Carrefour), should also not attend.

Joana Cunha with Paulo Ricardo Martins and Diego Felix

Joana Cunha with Paulo Ricardo Martins and Diego Felix

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