How each zodiac sign deals with failure


Maybe it’s time to redefine failure.

It happens every day, it happens to everyone: young or old failures or failures of life. A project that didn’t go as well as we had planned, a collaboration that didn’t work, and everything that means failure for everyone.

It seems we have two choices in life: success or failure. If you get the reward for your efforts, then you are successful. If not, you’re a failure. Maybe it’s time to redefine failure.

Below you’ll find how each zodiac sign deals with efforts that didn’t go as planned.

You use failure as motivation to try again. You want to prove everyone wrong about you.

You are very disappointed. You start to wonder why you even bother trying.

You break out because you feel like you deserved to succeed. You don’t think it’s fair that you didn’t get your way.

You are not surprised by failure. You always expect the worst, but when it happens, you’re still disappointed.

You get upset that others succeeded and not you. Your jealousy at its best.

You analyze what went wrong so you don’t make the same mistake in the future. You use it as a learning experience.

You treat yourself with compassion. You know you did your best and you are proud of yourself.

You start thinking about all the other times you’ve failed in the past and you’re overwhelmed with regret.


You give yourself some time to cry. You get pizza, ice cream and as much beer as you want.

You go right back to work. You don’t waste any time thinking about what could have happened. You focus on your future.

You pretend you don’t care about succeeding anyway. You tell yourself you’re perfectly fine when you’re not.

You receive support from friends. You run to them for advice and encouragement.

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