The number 11 is dominant in numerology – What good will happen to us today…


The number 11 is dominant in numerology, so today gives the opportunity to strongly attract everything we desire

You blow out the candles on the cake and make a wish. You look at the time and all the digits on the clock are the same – again you make a wish. All that we have associated wishes and good fortune with are not just urban legends, but some of the most familiar mystical vibrations of the universe.

One of the most common forms of magic is hidden in numbers and especially in repeating sequences. Making a wish when the clock reads 11:11 actually hides an auspicious story. So imagine the spiritual energy that the whole day of November 11th (11/11) carries.

Numbers are said to carry unique and powerful vibrations. The number 11, in particular, is a popular phenomenon in numerology. It is considered a dominant number and meeting it can be a strong indication that the universe is trying to send a powerful message your way.

Since 11 has many meanings, November 11 is considered a day that serves as a gateway leading to a path of good fortune. The spiritual meaning of 11/11 relates to setting intentions.

So today, don’t hesitate to wish for something you really want!

Identifying your desires is something you can do any day of the year, but November 11th is the only day that allows you to harness the energy of this number for a full 24 hours. You have a whole day to clear your mind and align with the unique energy of November 11th.

How to make the most of today
November 11th is the perfect day to “clear” your head, connect with your higher self and set strong goals. Visualize clearly anything you seek to attract into your life by meditating or taking a relaxing bath in preparation. Once you feel that your mind is focused on this process, say your wishes out loud or write them down on a piece of paper.

Writing is a very powerful tool for expression and many use it to make their dreams come true. If you want to use this practice, write your wishes 3 times in the morning, 6 in the afternoon and 9 in the evening. The trick is to write down what you wish to attract as if you already have it, essentially using the law of attraction.

However, make sure that you have really prepared yourself to receive what you are asking for, because wishing for something without actually being able to receive it can prove to be a difficult task.

The fact that this year November 11 is a Friday, a day ruled by Venus, “opens up” some additional possibilities. Venus is the planet of connection, socialization and resources. Setting intentions around love, balance and harmony is a great way to combine the benefits of numerology with those of astrology, making the most of the cosmic energy. Remember, everything is connected.

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