Simone Mendes, from the former duo with Simaria, reveals that she has had intimate surgery


Singer Simone Mendes, who was a partner with her sister Simaria, had a sincere conversation with followers and talked about the relationship with her body and about the surgical interventions she has already had.

The artist said that she does not accept herself the way she is and lives fighting with the scale, always trying to lose weight. “I live in this wave, I lose weight and gain weight because I don’t accept myself. Those who accept themselves are wonderful, it’s the best thing in life. But I live in this quest, there’s no way around it”, she said.

In a relaxed moment, Simone said that she already needed intimate surgery. “During my pregnancy I had a hemorrhoid, and it became so inflamed that it broke a spot in my anus. I went to the doctor, the doctor performed the surgery and it was just fine,” she said, laughing.

She also said that she never returned to the office but that, two years later, she went to dinner at a friend’s house and the doctor and his wife were there. “It’s embarrassing to operate the wheel with a stranger, but that’s okay. It’s gone.”

During participation in the program “Domingo com Huck” (Globo) on Sunday, the singer hinted that she was blocked by her sister on social networks. “Do you know a song by Gusttavo Lima that says ‘I remembered that I’m blocked’? So”, she said when answering a question from the presenter.

“You have to laugh. But I’m going to make it very clear here on national television that she is the reason for my life, the love of my life, I owe her a lot of what I am today,” he said.

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