The 4 benefits of exercise that have nothing to do with the calories you burn


You already know that exercise is good for you. Not only because it helps you get rid of unwanted calories but it also contributes to many more that have nothing to do with calories.

Everyone benefits from exercise, regardless of age, gender or physical ability. And this is a given!

The health benefits of regular exercise and physical activity are hard to ignore. They are not just physical, nor are they just about your appearance. The benefits are many more.

You feel physically well
After a good workout, there is an undeniable feeling of accomplishment, adrenaline and pride that cannot be overcome. Exercise opens blood vessels to circulate more blood to the muscles, which makes the body feel refreshed.

The heart rate decreases, which brings an overwhelming sense of calm to the body and adrenaline and endorphins flow through the body. No matter how hard the workout is, how your body feels afterwards is almost always worth it.

You feel psychologically well
Exercise increases the chemicals in the brain that are responsible for good mood. Physical activity stimulates various chemicals in the brain that help you feel happier, more relaxed and less stressed.

You gain mental strength
While physical strength is very important for a healthy and happy life, nothing compares to the emotional strength that regular exercise provides. Completing a hard workout is an important achievement and the “I can do anything” feeling you feel afterwards can have a positive effect on the rest of your day.

You are devoted to yourself
Keeping our commitments to others is often non-negotiable in relationships, but our commitments to ourselves can easily be the first things we forget when life becomes stressful. Exercise keeps that commitment to yourself, even when things seem difficult and they tell you to give up.

The next time you do jogging, yoga, pilates or something similar, focus on the positives besides the calories you will burn. The result will be in the long run to change both your relationship with exercise and yourself.

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