Carla Diaz, 31, took to social media on Monday night (28) to deny rumors that she had been the victim of an assault. During the day, the name of the actress was among the subjects commented on Twitter by netizens who claimed that she had been assaulted by her current boyfriend, Felipe Becari, 35.
“They are once again creating lies about my personal life, and this time with an extremely serious matter. I open my direct, Twitter timeline and tags, I only see horrible assumptions where I allegedly suffered aggression. This is very serious and a big lie” , wrote Diaz on his Instagram.
“I would never be quiet about something so serious, daily women suffer from femicide and it’s absurd to see people making up a situation with such a serious matter! I can’t let this be trivialized and still involving my name. Women suffer and die every day! “
The actress asked them to stop propagating “fake news” and trivializing a matter as serious as abusive relationships. “Take responsibility for what you post and repost in this toxic world of the internet,” she wrote.
“We have another reality show on the air, and you still think my personal life needs to be voted on and with percentage you will decide what will happen? It’s not like that, I make my decisions and I know what’s best for my life and I I am very well resolved with my choices.”
I am currently a news writer for News Bulletin247 where I mostly cover sports news. I have always been interested in writing and it is something I am very passionate about. In my spare time, I enjoy reading and spending time with my family and friends.