Pulmonologists’ recommendations for those near the fire


It is considered advisable to avoid unnecessary movements.

THE Union of Pulmonologists of Greece because of fire currently underway in her area Pentelis wishes to inform citizens to evacuate immediately for protection or, if this is not possible, to remain in cool or indoor air-conditioned areas with windows and doors closed.

At the same time, it is considered appropriate to avoid unnecessary movements.

If you travel by car within the specified area, please keep the windows closed and the cabin air recirculation activated.

We recommend to patients with chronic respiratory problems such as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and bronchial asthma to be in constant contact with their doctor and to receive their treatment systematically according to his instructions.

Symptoms such as difficulty breathing, coughing or sputum discharge should be reported immediately to the treating pulmonologist. We urge you to avoid reckless use of electricity so that there is no chance of interruptions to respiratory patients who require continuous oxygen therapy.

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