Personal doctor: Registration starts tomorrow – Step-by-step process


Registrations begin in all regions of the country except those of Attica and South Aegean. Citizens of these regions will be able to enroll in the program from September 1

It starts tomorrow Monday, August 1st the registration process of citizens who have reached the age of 16 at the personal doctor in all regions of the country except for the Regions of Attica and South Aegean. The deadline for doctors to register as a personal physician is August 5, 2022.

For the two regions of Attica and South Aegean, citizen registrations will begin on September 1, 2022, and physician registrations are extended only for these two regions, until August 31, 2022. The personal physician system will be fully operational early next year year.

In particular, the population who have reached the age of 16, according to their date of birth, and the adult population are registered with the personal doctor, whom they choose freely regardless of their place of residence or residence, from among all those registered in the relevant, updated each time , lists of personal physicians, general/family medicine or internal medicine specialties:

Procedure for registering a population with a personal physician

The registration to a personal doctor is carried out electronically, either by the citizen through the citizen registration platform, or by the administrative and other staff of the public health service providers of PFI, or the personal physicians.

The citizen registers with a personal doctor in the following ways:

1) through the personal doctor registration platform (, where entry is made with the taxisnet codes and the citizen’s AMKA.

2) in person at a P.F.Y health structure. or to a personal doctor, bringing with him his AMKA and for simple demonstration, an identification document (e.g. Identity Card) or a photocopy.

All citizen applications are accepted, until the legal limit of 2,000 registered citizens per doctor is reached. In the case of private doctors contracted with EOPYY, citizens’ applications for registration are accepted according to the defined limit that each doctor has chosen in his contract.

Citizens who are already registered with a family doctor are considered to be registered with a personal doctor for all the relevant rights and obligations and are not required to take any further actions.

Each person has the right to register with only one personal doctor. Transfer to another personal doctor is allowed once per year, which starts from the date of the citizen’s registration. In the event of a change of Administrative Region within the year, the citizen has the right to an additional transfer.

The uninsured have the possibility to register upon their request with a personal doctor contracted by the E.O.P.Y.Y., as long as they cannot be covered by a personal doctor of the public P.F.Y. units.

Citizens who wish to register with a personal physician of the National Health Service in the areas that have been characterized as problematic and barren, may register for the service of the personal physician at the health unit of their area of ​​residence.

Incentives for registering with a personal physician

Those who register will have priority from 1/1/2023, when planning their regular outpatient visits in public secondary and tertiary health care units.

Those not registered with a personal physician, as of 1/10/2022, will have an additional participation in the pharmaceutical expenditure at a rate of 10%, in addition to their participation rate determined on a case-by-case basis. Also, they will have additional participation in laboratory and diagnostic tests and procedures, in hospitalizations in private clinics and in other benefits, at a rate of 10%, in addition to their participation rate determined on a case-by-case basis.

From 1/1/2023, the above provisions are increased by a percentage of 10%, in addition to the above additional participation, rising to a percentage of 20% on the percentage of participation determined on a case-by-case basis.

The institution of the personal physician

The citizen will turn to the personal doctor when he has a health problem. He will be consulted. From him he will receive instructions, direction, referral for the next move in the Health System. In particular, the personal doctor refers the recipient of health services to the medical specialists of the Health Centers, the public secondary and tertiary health care structures and the health service providers contracted with the EOPYY. Specialist doctors also have the right of referral for the matters of their specialty. Emergency and emergency services do not require a referral.

The personal physician will provide comprehensive and continuous care to the citizen in order to prevent diseases and promote health. From prevention, updating his medical file, visiting for an examination, prescribing the necessary medicines, referral for tests for specialist doctors or for hospitalization when there is a need. The services of personal physicians are provided within the public P.F.Y. units. of the Local Networks of P.F.Y. Services, the headquarters of the Local Health Groups, private clinics and at home.

Choice of personal doctors

a) a doctor of a branch of doctors of the National Health System, who serves and provides his services in the Health Centers, in the Local Health Units (To.M.Y.)

and in other public P.F.Y. units, with a registered population,

b) a doctor who provides his services in the context of the operation of the Local Health Groups of article 106 of Law 4461/2017 (A’ 38), with a registered population,

c) a doctor contracted with the National Organization for the Provision of Health Services (E.O.P.Y.Y.), with a registered population.

It is noted that personal physicians are defined as non-specialist physicians who have a general medicine certificate.

By decision of the Minister of Health, doctors of other specialties may be designated as personal doctors, when doctors of the specialties of general/family medicine or internal pathology are not sufficient and after following an education/training program.

It is also possible for any doctor practicing the independent medical profession to contract with EOPYY, regardless of whether he is already contracted or receives a monthly salary or monthly allowances from public sector bodies.

It is clarified that the participation of private doctors is not given to the personal doctor without signing a contract with EOPYY.

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