ELSTAT Estimate: The population of Greece at 10,678,632 people on January 1, 2021


The permanent population of the country on January 1, 2021 is estimated at 10,678,632 people (5,196,048 men and 5,482,584 women), reduced by 0.37% compared to the corresponding population of January 1, 2020 which was 10,718,565 people.

This development is a result of the natural decrease of the population that amounted to 45,902 people (84,767 births versus 130,669 deaths of people with habitual residence within the Greek territory) and the net migration estimated at 6,384 people (positive balance).

The population aged 0-14 years amounted to 14.1% of the total population, compared to 63.3% of the population aged 15-64 years and 22.6% of the population aged 65 years and over. The aging index (population aged 65 and over to the population aged 0-14 years) amounted to 159.4.

The net migration is estimated at 6,384 people which corresponds to the difference between 84,221 incoming and 77,837 outgoing migrants. In 2019, net migration was estimated at 34,439 people (129,459 incoming and 95,020 outgoing). It is noted that the incoming immigration data also includes people who were in our country on 1/1/2021 due to the refugee crisis.

According to ELSTAT, these data should not be confused with the ongoing population-housing census 2021, as the population referred to in them is estimated and transmitted in accordance with Regulation (EU) no. 1260/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council on European demographic statistics, based on the population estimate of the most recent census in 2011. In particular, the population is estimated on the basis of: a) the results of the 1991 population survey -2014 based on the results of the 2011 population census, b) the annual data of natural population movement of 2020 and c) the estimates of the annual migration flows 2020 (inbound and outbound migration).

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