Others four terrorist attacks in Athens and Zakynthos, apart from the one in the Jewish synagogue/restaurant, was prepared by the Pakistani detainees and the ringleaders who guided them. In fact, it seems that the original plan was to make a “blind strike” in the capital the Christmas that passed us by.

According to SKAI reporter Giorgos Protopsaltis, the talks record plans even to plant a backpack with explosives in Athens or Zakynthos, targeting businessmen with activity in Israel, while they even talk about indiscriminate murders in island Greece.

The message sent in one of his communications by the 27-year-old Pakistani who was arrested a few days ago is indicative:




They are mentioned to businessman which they allegedly watched. In fact, the 27-year-old sent a photo of the specific person to his principal from Iran, who replied:


That particular person is actually recorded from the 27-year-old, as it seems, their plans were not limited to the terrorist attack on the Jewish synagogue.