He had caused grief last year September the destruction of the pilgrimage and of pedestrian bridge her Saint Paraskeviin an idyllic landscape in valley of Tempofrom bad weather Daniel.

In pedestrian bridge were provoked serious damage with the result that access to the pilgrimage of Agia Paraskevi is not safe. Also, the condition of the bridge requires the taking of additional, preventive measures security so as to prohibit any attempt by believers to approach the pilgrimage.

The matter was stirred up after reports from citizens, with the result that on January 8th the director of the Larisa Misdemeanor Prosecutor’s Office intervened, asking the Municipality of Tempo to carry out an autopsy and at the same time, in cooperation with the Police Department of Tempo, to take measures to prevent, for security reasons, the citizen access.

However prosecutorial intervention for an autopsy on the footbridge revealed that the responsibilities for her rehabilitation they have been “ball» between the involved bodies.

The Municipality of Tempo, the Real Estate Service, EYDE, the Region of Thessaly and the Ministry of Transport state that the pedestrian bridge “does not fall under their jurisdiction”.

Regardless of who will ultimately undertake the repair of the project and while the “ownership” status has not yet been answered five months after the disaster, the condition of the pedestrian bridge remains dangerous.

Dpublic services and self-governing bodies one after the other declare themselves incompetent for the pedestrian bridge, one shoe of which (from the side of the pilgrimage) “steps” on the expropriation zone of the OSE, while the other shoe (from the side of the old national road) “steps” on the property of the State Real Estate Company.

With information from onlarissa.gr