The operation to evacuate Greek citizens from Mariupol is in progress – The mechanism of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is on constant alert


The operation to evacuate Greek citizens from its area is in progress Mariupol “Fasting 3”. According to diplomatic sources, with coordinated efforts the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has released dozens of Greek citizens from Ukraine.

The consular authorities in Mariupol and Odessa remain in operation.

The convoy of cars led by the ambassador, Francesco Costelleno, started earlier today from the city of Zaporizhia, which is located about 300 kilometers northwest of Mariupol and is heading west.

This operation was organized, under particularly unfavorable conditions, which were constantly changing, by the Consulate General of Mariupol, where the Consul General, Manolis Androulakis, has remained.

This operation follows the operation “Nostos 2”, which was organized by the Consulate General of Odessa under the coordination of Consul General, Dimitris Dohtsis a few days ago.

The operation “Nostos 1” for the evacuation of citizens of Greece and Cyprus from Kyiv, which took place in close coordination between the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Greece and Cyprus, is also being held.

In this context, the role played by the Cypriot envoy to Kyiv, Lina Themistokleous, was particularly important.

The general coordination of the operations has been undertaken by the Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Themistoklis Demiris.

The Consulates General of Mariupol and Odessa, as well as the Crisis Management Unit of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, are in constant contact with other Greek citizens still in Ukraine, including Greek sailors.

The vast majority of Greeks in Ukraine have chosen to remain in the country.

The Ambassador to Bucharest with parallel accreditation in Moldova, Sofia Grammata, in coordination with the Greek Community of Romania, provides continuous assistance to Greeks arriving in Moldova from Ukraine.

In this context, a special flight was chartered by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs a few days ago, in order to transport the citizens who came from Kyiv and Odessa by air from Bucharest.

Upon their arrival at the Athens airport, they were welcomed by the Deputy Minister of Hellenes Abroad, Andreas Katsaniotis.

Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias has been in constant contact with the Greek authorities in Ukraine and Romania since the beginning of the Russian invasion and has expressed his gratitude to the Diplomats. Kostellenos, Dohtsi and Androulaki for the difficult work they perform under particularly difficult conditions.

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