Kikilias for the “Tourism for All” program: We strengthened families, highlighted new destinations


The four most popular areas of the “Tourism for All” program were mentioned, among other things, in an interview with the “parapolitika” newspaper, by the Minister of Tourism, Vassilis Kikilias.

In the multiple benefits brought about by the program “Tourism for All» to those affected by the crisis, to the local economies of less popular destinations and to the average Greek family, said the Minister of Tourism Vassilis Kikilias in an interview he gave to the newspaper “Parapolitika”.

As Mr. Kikilias pointed out, “Tourism for All” is a program which constitutes on the one hand a substantial and practical effort to relieve those who cannot or do not have and on the other hand an important stimulating injection for tourism professionals in alternative destinations, especially off season . “In the first places with the highest redemptions of digital cards for 2022 are areas such as Edipsos, Tolo, Aridaia Pellas and Thassos. You realize how important this is for local economies but also for the balancing of tourist traffic which is also our main objective”, said the Minister of Tourism and called on those who have not used their immaterial digital card to do so now and in the coming months, enjoying a unique winter destination.

With reference to the extension of the tourist season, he pointed out that it has already been done, however, efforts continue, in order for Greece to develop into a destination that will attract travelers throughout the year. “When you are at the top, you have to work hard and collectively to stay there, in a highly competitive and difficult environment. Because the income from tourism supports the average Greek family” said the minister, underlining the actions being taken to further upgrade the Greek tourist product, infrastructure development but also for projects and targeted interventions, so that Greece becomes a model of sustainable tourism.

Regarding the strategic planning for 12-month tourism, he said characteristically: “We continue to promote the country throughout the year. We emphasize the promotion of winter/mountain tourism, mainly highlighting alternative destinations. We implement a campaign through the EOT and a separate campaign for winter/mountain tourism. We have strengthened and are strengthening domestic tourism through the “Tourism for All” program with over 120,000 new beneficiaries at the beginning of 2023. We are bringing the beauties of mainland Greece to international exhibitions as well, promoting winter/mountain tourism.”

V. Kikilias made special reference to the tourism development of Athens, noting that its dynamics as a destination for the whole year will be strengthened, through the increase of cruises, the boost of conference tourism, the promotion of important events such as the Marathon and the creating synergies like the one that will be announced with the Municipality of Athens and Google next week.

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