Today, when Nazism is again claiming its own share of hatred and blood, often camouflaged, when history is being rewritten, when there is more suffering on the battlefields, when civilians are paying a high blood toll, the lessons of our own history cannot and they must not leave any of us indifferent“, emphasizes Stefanos Kasselakis in his message for the anniversary of October 28.

The president of SYRIZA PS mentions in particular in a post on social media: “83 years ago, on October 28, 1940, the Greek people decided to resist the demands of the fascist Axis with a pandemic response. In the following months he turned a seemingly unequal battle into a glorious page of our History, inspiring the whole world.

Through the ashes of the war and despite the successive blows it received from the Nazi forces afterwards, the Greek people emerged stronger. It was this power that pushed him to elevate the concepts of Democracy, Justice and Freedom to be dominant and decisive, however much these choices reserved for him new sufferings and sacrifices, however much he paid for them with blood.

The values ​​forged by our people on the anvil of war and later of the Resistance, the desire for free thought, for free life and for peace, are universal and always relevant. Today, when Nazism is again claiming its own share of hatred and blood, often camouflaged, when history is being rewritten, when there is more suffering on the battlefields, when civilians are paying a high blood toll, the lessons of our own history cannot and they must not leave any of us indifferent. They are the greatest lessons about the value of human life and freedom. For the truth that no cannon can beat it. For the collective achievements that no one can deprive us of. If we all want it, we can».