Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay and Chile want to host the 2030 World Cup!


Sail to host its World Cup 2030, put the countries of Latin America. In a regular meeting that is being held at this time and continues, the intention to co-organize the World Cup of 2023 in Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay and Chilewith the presidents of the football federations of the countries in question as well as of this one Conmebol, to attend. In fact, the sports minister from each country also participates in the council.

“History and passion will give us the possibility of hospitality. We know that we have to work hard to be able to convince and show the world that South America can be the home of the 2030 World Cup.”said the Claudio Tapiapresident of Conmebol.

Latin Americans want to host it 2030 World Cup since it is a milestone year and marks 100 years since the first World Cupwhich was held in Uruguay.

At the same time, there is the thought of including the organizing countries and Boliviawith this movement showing that the South America united can host its organization World Cupwith each country giving its… color to it.

Of course, somewhere here it should be noted that its countries South America they don’t play alone. Because the Hellas is among the candidate countries to co-host it 2030 World Cupalong with Saudi Arabia and Egypt. There is also the triple candidacy of Spain, Portugal, Morocco (while Ukraine may also be added). The decision is expected to be made in 2024, with the Latin Americans believing they can convince the FIFA and all football federations for their nomination.

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(function($) {
}, function(){

* Setup Logger
(function($) {
var i, loggerLogLevels = [“log”, “debug”, “info”, “warn”, “error”],
dummyfunction = function() {};

// Make sure that the log levels exist in our jquery object
for (i = loggerLogLevels.length – 1; i >= 0; –i) { $[loggerLogLevels[i]] = dummyfunction; }
Logger = function () {
if (‘_Logger’ in parent) {return parent._Logger;}
if (‘_Logger’ in window) {return window._Logger;}
window._Logger = this;
var level;

for (i = loggerLogLevels.length – 1; i >= 0; –i) {
level = loggerLogLevels[i];
this[level] = this._log(level);
Logger.prototype._log = function(level) {
if (‘console’ in window && level in window.console) {
return function(){window.console[level](arguments[0]);};
else {
return function () {
var $debug = this._$debug || $(‘

this._$debug = $debug;

‘ + (level != ‘log’ ? level + ‘:’ : ”) + ‘ ‘ + arguments[0] + ”);

if (window.location.toString().indexOf(‘debug=true’) > 0) {
logger = new Logger();
for (i = 0; i 0 ; i–) {
$banner = queque[i-1];

//When finished resync
}, self.interval);
push: function($banner, $placeholder) {
$banner.$placeholder = $placeholder;

$.log(‘BannerSync: Adding banner with placeholder: #’ + $placeholder.attr(‘id’) + ‘ to the queque’);

if (this.queque.length == 1) {

* We have banner placeholders and the actual banners loaded at the end of
* the page. The banner placeholders have an id of type placeholder__[banner_id]
* and the banners are placed in a div with id banner__[banner_id] witch we will
* call bannerholder
$.fn.attachBanners = function(options) {
var o = $.extend({
attachRetry: 200, //Retry to attach the bannerholder to placeholder in 200millis
syncInterval: 400 //Sync the positions of the bannerholder and placeholder every 400millis
}, options ? options : {}),
banner_sync = new BannerSync(o.syncInterval);

return this.each(function() {
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id =‘placeholder__’, ”),
$bannerholder = $(‘#banner__’ + id),
$banners = $bannerholder[0] ? $bannerholder.find(‘.banner, .textad’) : null,
retry = false, //If something goes wrong just retry after the attachRetry period of time

if ($banners && $banners.length > 0) {
if ($‘.textad’)) {
$.log(“Attaching the textads ‘” + id + “‘ to it’s placeholder”);

//If we have to do with a real banner we have to move to the position
//of its placeholder and resize the placeholder to the banner’s dimensions
bannerholderWidth = $banners.width();
bannerholderHeight = $banners.height();

if (bannerholderWidth !== 0 && bannerholderHeight !== 0) {
$.log(“Attaching banner ‘” + id + “‘ to it’s placeholder with dim: ” + bannerholderWidth + “x” + bannerholderHeight);
.attr(‘class’, function() {
return this.className + ‘ ‘ + $banners.attr(‘class’);
.css(‘position’, ‘absolute’)
$bannerholder.css(‘top’, ‘0px’);

//We now make sure that the banner and the placeholder are always in sync
banner_sync.push($banners, $placeholder);
else {
retry = true;
else {
retry = true;
if (retry) {
setTimeout(function() {
}, o.attachRetry);

* Initializing Sportfm Statistics Tracker
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var SportfmTracker = function() {
$.info(‘Initing sportfm statistics tracker’);

return this;
SportfmTracker.prototype = {
trackVideo: function() {
this.track(‘video’, arguments[0]);
trackArticle: function() {
this.track(‘article’, arguments[0]);
track: function() {
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id = arguments[1],
date = $(“meta[name=”sfm:” + type + “:date”]”).attr(‘content’),
url = _SFM_CONTEXTPATH + ‘/statistics/SPORTFM/’ + type + “” + id,
r = Math.random() * 100000000000000000;

if (date) {
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$.getJSON(url, {nocache: r}, function(data, status) {
var bound = $(“meta[name=”sfm:track:bound”]”).attr(‘content’);
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else {
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$.log(‘Got counter [‘ + data.counter + ‘] with bound [‘ + bound + ‘] response from: ‘ + url);
if (data.counter && data.token && (parseInt(data.counter, 10) > bound)) {
$(‘#readBy’).html(‘Διαβάστηκε ‘ + data.counter + ‘ ‘ + data.token);
$.sfm = new SportfmTracker();

var _sfm = _sfm || {}; //A global object for
_sfm.og_url = $(“head meta[property=’og:url’]”).attr(‘content’);

/** In case we are in an article page we have to track it: */
(function() {
var trackArticleId = $(“meta[name=”sfm:article:id”]”).attr(‘content’);
if (trackArticleId) {

(function($) {
var ce = function(e) {return document.createElement(e);},
at = ce(‘script’);
at.setAttribute(‘async’, ‘true’);

/** * Attach the banners */
(function() {

/** * top bar holder */
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// twitter
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* Facebook and Addthis!
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var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];
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“data_track_addressbar” : false

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setTimeout(function(){ $(‘.GoogleActiveViewClass div div’).addClass(‘center-block’); }, 2000);

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