V-timer: Manage your water heater remotely


Create your own smart home with V-timer!

You’re tired of watching inflated accounts electricity? Are you tired of waiting until the water heats up; Maybe you forget to turn off the water heater resulting in you consuming more energy and electricity?

The season calls for economy and saving in all our daily habits. But how can we reduce the bill without drastic or expensive changes? The answer is simple! Put one of the 3 V-timer models in your life!

V-timer is the smart timer for the water heater that “unties” your hands, allowing you to earn money for other household duties or your daily activities.

The timer for the V-timer water heater has 3 different codes able to meet your every need. Specifically, it has:
• analog V-timer
• digital V-timer
• Smart Wi-Fi V3
The latest model, the Smart WiFi V3 not only allows you to remotely manage your water heater by downloading the FREE app but is compatible with the Alexa & Google Home apps allowing you voice control!

Choose V-timer for a smarter, more economical, more comfortable home! Enjoy hot water the moment you need it without waste!


You can get the code that suits you best at one of the 100 points of sale, through a large network of partners.

Or visit www.vtimer.eu for more information!

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