Britain: Explosion of violence at the Reading music festival – They burned tents and pierced a girl with a needle


Videos shared online show tents being set on fire on Sunday afternoon during the final night of the three-day festival.

An explosion of violence and extreme scenes took place at the famous Reading music festival in Britain.

Videos shared online show tents being set on fire on Sunday afternoon during the final night of the three-day festival.

At the same time, testimonies of citizens who participated in the festival speak of objects being thrown and incidents of beatings.

The festival is particularly popular with 16-year-olds as it takes place the weekend after GSCE results are received.

Concerned parents were among those who called the police.

Citizens who visited the festival spoke of a frightening atmosphere.

An indicative setting of the above is the fact that a woman was hit by an object while filming a video.

In a video released, people could be heard asking “where’s the security?” while an employee tries to put out the flames with a bottle of water he had in his backpack.

An eyewitness said fans of rival music genres were arguing with each other as hip-hop fans clashed with alternative music fans as the music genres were switched on stage.

At the same time there were also reports of needle attacks on a person in the crowd.


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