Masses of sabotage at polling stations in the Russian presidential elections are recorded by local media.

A woman started a fire on a screen at a polling station in Moscow on the first day of the Russian presidential election, the Russian state agency Ria Novosti.

“Moscow’s election commission told Ria Novosti that procedures (at the polling station) continued as normal after the incident.”

In a video broadcast by the independent media SOTAVision shows the arrest of a suspect after the fire at a polling station was put out.

In another incident, according to the news outlet Fontanka, a molotov fired at a polling station in St. Petersburg.

With green paint the ballot box in Simferopol, Crimea was filled by a young woman. The local Investigative Committee announced the opening of a criminal case also against a girl who also threw green paint on a ballot box in Moscow

An old woman also burned a ballot box in the area of ​​the Russian capital.