FGTS: learn how to check the balance of amounts in the account


Workers with active and inactive accounts in the FGTS (Fundo de Garantia do Tempo de Serviço) may have a new opportunity to withdraw the amounts, as a measure to be announced by the federal government in the coming days. About 40 million citizens with money in the fund will be able to withdraw up to R$1,000, but, on average, the total available should be R$500.

To find out if there is a balance and if the company is making the deposit correctly, the worker can check the FGTS statement, available through the FGTS application. Those who don’t have the app can download it from their cell phone store. If you already have it, you may need to update the version to use it.

See the step-by-step guide to check the balance in the FGTS app

  • Open the app and click “Sign in to the app”
  • The phrase “FGTS wants to use Caixa.gov.br to log in” will appear; go to “Continue”
  • Enter your CPF, go to “I’m not a robot”, select the requested images and go to “Verify”; then click “Next”
  • Enter your password and go to “Login”; if you don’t remember, click on “Recover Password”
  • The system will ask you to register a bank account, if you do not want to do this, go to “Back to the home screen”
  • On the home screen, information about the companies you worked for will appear.
  • The balance of values ​​of the current company or the last company in which you worked appears at the top of the screen; it’s the first; click on it to see the movements
  • To save the data, click on “Generate PDF extract” and save to your mobile
  • To see all the companies you’ve worked for, go to “View all your accounts”
  • The last bank deposit will be informed on the home screen, in the gray frame

The money from the Guarantee Fund is deposited monthly by the employer in the case of employees hired through the CLT (Consolidation of Labor Laws). The amount corresponds to 8% of the salary. The withdrawal, however, can only be done in specific situations, such as dismissals without just cause, the purchase of a home and retirement, for example.

Specialists indicate that the worker makes constant inquiries to know if the company is depositing the FGTS amounts correctly, if the Caixa has applied the correction of the money, every 10th, and if he has not been the victim of scams transferring the amounts, as happened in coronavirus pandemic.

In the first year of the coronavirus pandemic, in 2020, the government released the emergency withdrawal of the FGTS, according to the worker’s date of birth. The possibility to withdraw FGTS amounts, of up to one minimum wage at the time (R$ 1,045), ended at the end of 2020.

In 2017, the government of Michel Temer also released the FGTS withdrawal for workers who had values ​​stopped in inactive accounts of companies in which the professional resigned and could not withdraw the amount that was there. At the time, it was allowed to request the transfer of any amount from the FGTS.

The government also started to share with workers part of the profit from the money stopped in the accounts. In 2021, 96% of the FGTS profit was transferred to 88.6 million workers throughout Brazil. The correction percentage applied to the balance was 1.863517%.

How is the withdrawal of values ​​currently

Under current Caixa rules, FGTS withdrawals of amounts up to R$ 1,500 can be made at lottery, Caixa Aqui Correspondents and ATMs for those who have a Citizen Card and password.

In other situations, the withdrawal of funds can be carried out at any Caixa branch, with an identification document. Depending on the case, however, there is a type of documentation that must be presented.

In 2020 and 2017, transfers of FGTS money to an account in the name of the worker were made over the internet, on a website, and through the Guarantee Fund application. There is also a new modality, the digital withdrawal, a service available since February 2020.

In it, the professional accesses the FGTS application to consult the amounts already released and request the withdrawal, indicating an account held in any bank, without the need to go to a branch.

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