The five tricks to increase your metabolism after 30


Many times by the term metabolism we mean the metabolic rate, which is actually the number of calories that each organism burns and the higher it is, the more calories we burn

If you’re over 30 and looking for ways to boost your metabolism, follow the tips you’ll read below.

Metabolism is all the chemical reactions in our body, which are responsible for keeping the body functioning.

Simply put, it is the process through which the body manages to convert our food into energy.

Many times by the term metabolism we mean the metabolic rate, which is actually the number of calories that each body burns and the higher it is, we burn more calories so we lose weight more easily or maintain a reduced weight more easily.

What happens after 30?

Many of you may have realized that after 30 we find it difficult to lose weight and many of the foods we used to enjoy without regrets may need to be reduced or the amount of calories we used to consume in a form of exercise is no longer the same.

In fact, the metabolism never stops working, even when we sleep! What makes the difference in every person even after the age of 30 is how many calories we burn on a daily basis.

Our activities have changed and the amount we move throughout the day compared to someone in their 20’s or 25’s as well as the hormonal changes we undergo year after year with women experiencing it significantly more than men.

However, the pleasant thing is that there is no total transformation of the metabolism after 30 years of our lives, except for a change of activities, priorities and schedules by ourselves, writes gymnast Christina Vasiliadou on

What can affect our metabolism?

The total calories we consume daily (quantity) as well as the quality of food
How much we exercise daily, how much we move as well as the type of exercise we follow based on our personal needs
How many hours do we sleep every day?
The hormonal changes that can occur in our body
Our posture
Vitamin D levels in our body
Stress – anxiety
How can I boost my metabolism after 30?

Move at every opportunity!

We said above that the result of the reduction in our metabolism is the change in our habits compared to when we were younger where nothing stopped us and if someone told us to walk instead of taking the car we didn’t even think about it!

Sedentary life and lack of movement put a stone in our body not working as it used to. Find reasons to move: take the stairs and leave the elevator, park a little further away and walk to work, play with your children – nieces, etc., get up from your office chair every now and then… there are so many things that can to keep you moving!

Exercise…the magic key!

Our body is simple math: how much do you burn? You will consume so much if you want to stay at the same weight or less if you want to lose and more if you want to gain! Find a type of exercise that pleases you and follow it with a schedule and consistency.

After 30 plus the calories you’ll burn, exercise is the best way to build muscle, which leads to a better metabolic rate. Simply put, the more muscle mass we have, the faster the rate at which we burn calories!

A good exercise format suggestion is high-intensity interval training that involves rapid changes of exercise and intensity as well as weight training. These can help burn fat by increasing the metabolic rate even after exercise.

Practically, this means that our body continues to burn calories even at rest!

In addition, in terms of health, let’s not forget that exercise will help you get a better posture, less stress and will ensure you a better and more quality sleep.


Proper hydration with pure, still water from God and not sugary drinks will reduce your daily caloric intake and may temporarily speed up your metabolism.

It is important to consume enough water based on our daily needs, while studies have shown that if we consume even half a liter of water, our metabolism increases by 10-30% for about an hour.

Measurement (and quality) excellent!

And of course we are talking about eating food as a means of boosting our metabolism. Since the activities we perform every day are less and different than when we were younger then the amounts of food will need to be different.

We don’t have the same needs now that we’re over 30 to eat the same as when we were 20, we’re not even the same person we were then! Also, the quality of the food plays a very important role in the metabolic rate…it is impossible to constantly eat processed food and junk food and expect to lose weight. I choose healthy, I eat right!

No stress – just sleep!

A healthy lifestyle with calmness, as little stress as possible and good quality sleep is sure to lead us to a better life and a better and faster metabolic rate.

Stress and lack of sleep often lead us to overeat, seek more sugar and avoid exercise. When you feel yourself getting stressed, take short breaks, take time for yourself, put away your cell phone and do things you love.

Emphasize the hours of sleep you sleep, choose a good mattress and pillow for better quality sleep and watch your metabolism change.


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