Good news for her 40 year old kindergarten teacher who lost consciousness while in a dentist’s office.

According to information from cretapost, the 40-year-old woman, after a week of being under sedation, finally “woke up” with the help of doctors and it seems that her condition has improved.

“Reacts positively to treatment and has contact with the environment”said the commander of PAGNI, G. Chalkiadakis, speaking to cretapost.

By her side is her family as well as the entire local community of Mesara, while the good news spread everywhere and gave joy to everyone who knows her.

The timeline of the case

Everything happened on May 29 when the 40-year-old went to a well-known dental office in Mesara. As soon as the doctor gave her the injection she lost consciousness.

The dentist immediately notified an EKAV ambulance that rushed to the scene and picked her up, taking her to PAGNI.

The doctors at PAGNI intubated her and transferred her to the Intensive Care Unit where she is being treated.

In fact, from the beginning, the possibility that the injection at the dentist’s office was responsible for her condition was ruled out, with the doctors doing a series of tests in order to find the causes.