“I can’t and won’t say anything, I wonder how it has come out and what everyone has said and what they said in a pre-planned pre-conference. No decision has been made that I can share,” stressed Sia Anagnostopoulou, speaking to ANT1, the day after the conference of the Ahtsioglou group.

Mrs. Anagnostopoulou, refused to formulate even her own position, noting that, “I won’t even say what I said in a closed conference, and I won’t do it for one reason: the world is tired of hearing what one and the other say, while the world’s problems exist.”

“After the KE and as far as I’m concerned and the unity efforts I’ve made, there’s a lot of effervescence. Unbelievable toxicity has been poured out, from all sides, except the Ahtsioglu team. This group has suffered the attacks of the world and no one came out to say anything. That’s why I say that, not everyone can go out and say the long and the short of it. We are at a crossroads, me, every effort I make comes out and Polakis throws a blow below the waist”, he added, assessing that, “no one from the leadership is in the mood to take a step for the ties that have been broken”.

When asked if Stefanos Kasselakis called her, she did not deny it, but said that, “when there is a public statement by an executive, the answer is public. Private phones mean nothing to me. I think it is the responsibility of the president to take a public position.”

He spoke again for a “toxicity blow”, noting that, “I don’t know how to take it when such a blow happens a day before the conference”.

To a question about whether the Ahtsioglou team will leave to create something new, he answered that “these are the decisions I don’t make alone. My personal opinion and effort was not considered at all by the leadership team. And I repeat that, the Ahtsioglu team did not come out with any incendiary statement towards anyone”.

She described the meeting of the Central Committee as “insulting and humiliating” and answered, when asked if it is possible to form an opposition in New Democracy in this way, that “with SYRIZA as it is, with the toxicity and the fear of not disagreeing on something, things become difficult. What we always had with Tsipras is gone. Toxicity couldn’t dominate camaraderie.”

Finally asked if “it’s too late”, she replied that “I had said it before in all ways and in all tones. Can relationships of trust be restored? This about subversives? Executives leave all the time. SYRIZA with this spirit that has dominated, is disintegrating. It’s like settling accounts.”