Panel SA: Big names in the business community like Luiza Trajano, Abilio and Josué should not attend Lula’s inauguration


The attendance list for the inauguration ceremony of president-elect Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva should be devoid of big names from the business community on Sunday (1st).

Strong personalities in the private sector such as Luiza Trajano (Magalu), Abilio Diniz (Carrefour) and banker André Esteves (BTG Pactual) are not expected to attend.

Also not going is Josué Gomes, president of Fiesp and son of José Alencar, Lula’s vice president in previous terms. This month, Josué was invited to head the new MDIC (Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade), but he declined the position.

The industry will be represented at the event by Robson Braga de Andrade, president of CNI. In the financial sector, the president of Febraban, Isaac Sidney, also confirmed his presence.

Advisers attribute the absences to trips scheduled for the end of year festivities.

Joana Cunha with Paulo Ricardo Martins and Diego Felix

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